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Do caos ao renascimento do espaço psíquico


From chaos to the rebirth of psychic space

The author makes a psychoanalytical elaboration based on a clinical investigation in the case of a child, where she highlights the different psychic consequences that occurred as a result of early separations and losses. It shows how the psychic collapse arising after the absence of the maternal object causes a narcissistic encapsulation which is difficult to access and that functions as a barrier that nullifies or avoids close relationships. It highlights and elaborates the different movements of the analytical process that go from chaos, to the construction of a sound cointainer that involves the analytical duo, to the birth of the first words that served to represent primary depression.


Psychic chaos, Psychic space, Primary depression, Psychic transformations

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Author Biography

Maria Fernanda Alexandre

Clinical and health psychologist, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. Full member, with didactic functions, of the Portuguese Psychoanalysis Society (SPP) and of the International Psychoanalysis Association (IPA). Director of the Portuguese Magazine of Psychoanalysis.


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