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Psicanálise virtual de crianças: Reflexões sobre o novo contexto analítico e a psicopatologia «pandémica»


This article examines how the new pandemic circumstance by Covid-19 that has plagued humanity, since two thousand and twenty, constitutes a "trauma" with repercussions in the area of ??illusion and the analytical pair, creating a "new context" or new psychic environment, in which the relationship takes place. The loss of reliability and basic trust in the external world that had been taken for granted, as well as the change in the setting, represented by changes, either in the place where the session takes place, in the office or virtually, or in the introduction of new protection requirements against infection (wearing a mask, hygiene measures), they constituted a profound change in the condition, "a traumatic wound", creating a "new normal environment" in which the analysis is carried out. This interruption of the process as previously experienced, generated a discontinuity, which was reflected, both in the psychoanalyst and in his psychoanalytic practice, as well as in the patient as well as in the analytical process. A pandemic psychopathology based on regression to obsessive and early paranoid states could emerge as an expression of discontinuity and as a defense against the melancholic pain of loss of environment and self. The strangeness, the confusional states, the existential anxieties of annihilation, the loss of the meaning of life and identity, as well as the emergence of the pathology of objects and early depression, occurred in the clinic of children and adolescents until the analytical relationship, with its creative and therapeutic potential, resume its journey. Three clinical vignettes of analysis of a child, a teenager and a supervisory case illustrate the constraints that have occurred, in which both the patient and the analyst have plunged.


Traumatic wound/context, Pandemic psychopathology, Early anxieties, Supervisor's “counter-countertransference”, Children

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Author Biography

Maria José Martins de Azevedo

Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst and writer. Trainer at the Portuguese Psychoanalysis Society (SPP), member of IPA (International Psychoanalysis Association), FEP (Fédération Européenne de Psychanalyse) and SEPEA (Société Européenne pour la Psychanalyse de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent).


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