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A Clínica de Quarentena (a Quatro Mãos): Primeiro Andamento de Uma Psicanálise em Tempos de Pandemia


The Clinical Practice in Quarentine (A Four Hands Play): First Movement of Psychoanalysis in Times of Pandemic

With the emergence of the pandemic, in the beginning of 2020, the physical proximity between analyst and analysand became not only prohibited, but dangerous .... Suddenly, analysts were forced to close the office doors, and if some suspended the work with patients, most started work remotely - teleanalysis (by phone or internet - Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, etc.).
Four analysts reflect on their experience in adjusting the setting in times of a pandemic: the specificity of the pandemic situation in relation to other situations in which the external reality requires the use of the remote setting; the different way in which the pandemic and the necessary alteration of the setting were experienced by different patients, and by different analysts, showing how psychoanalysis works with the analytical field and how each dyad, in the transference-countertransference relationship, makes what happens there unique.
From this multiple experience of four analysts “playing” together their unique experience, just as musicians can play together a single sonata, each with its different melody, it was possible to raise a series of questions at the end.


Pandemic, Teleanalysis, Setting Changes

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