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Uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras: Tatuagem como expressão da subjetividade


An image is worth more than a thousand words: tatoos as an expression of subjectivity

Tatoos have existed in Human history for, at least, 4000 to 2000 years. The
evolution of its use over time is marked by multiple meanings arising from the social
context. The discovery of photography in the early 20th century, as well as the cultural,
social, political and economic changes that occurred in the from 1950s to the new
millennium, radically transformed the vision and philosophy of body use. Tattoos
acquire a new dynamic, as a source of expression, in a modern world where
subjectivation becomes difficult, expressing an intimate relationship without time. The
psychoanalytic exploration of tattooed bodies leads us to the unconscious meaning,
based on the body-Self, the skin-Self, the primary attachment, the challenges of
symbolization, somatization and regression mechanisms. The need to externalize
internal conflicts and assert individuality on the skin, the constant beautification of a
spectacular body, the control of psychotic anxieties, are some of the functions that the
act of tattooing or body modification can fulfill. Some clinical examples from leading
authors are described.


tatoo, history, society, psychoanalysis

PDF (Português)

Author Biography

Jorge Bouça

Psiquiatra, Psicanalista e Membro Associado da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise, Diretor de Psicodrama Psicanalítico.


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